A Trailhead Trailmix for Administrators
This Trailmix contains the content for the Administrator exam prepÂ
This Trailmix contains the content for the Administrator exam prepÂ
In the Salesforce world, WhoId and WhatId are polymorphic relationships used for lookups. When you see the fields “WhoId” and “WhatId” in a Salesforce object like a Task, these fields are polymorphic relationships – meaning they are a special type of lookup that can be related to one of many different objects. Take the Task…
These Salesforce Administrator Interview Questions are designed to gain a deeper understanding of the applicant’s knowledge, skills and experience for a Salesforce Administrator role. In the next article, I will provide some sample answers to these Salesforce Administrator Interview Questions. Read my answers to these Salesforce Administrator Interview Questions in the next article… https://certifycrm.com/answers-to-the-real-salesforce-admin-interview-questions/
Updated February 2024 Failed your Salesforce Administrator exam? You studied hard, did some practice tests, had lots of practice in your developer org, and thought you had it all sorted. You got to the end of the exam and BUST – not the result you hoped for! Don’t despair, you are not the first or…
The popular “Who Sees What” Video series has been updated for Lightning. #salesforce
Disable User Flow: a quick and easy flow to disable user accounts in Salesforce. Create a new screen flow, it will have these elements when completed: Add a screen element Give the header a name: Add a message to display (Display Text component): Add a picklist component: Configure the choice set (type = Record): Filter…
Salesforce Security Analogy: Having trouble understanding Salesforce security? You are not alone. Justin Dux recently posted this on LinkedIn and I added a bit more to it. He originally got it from a Salesforce Instructor. Here is the detailed Salesforce Security Analogy: User Access You have a visitor pass that allows you entry to the…