Salesforce Spring 23 Features

Salesforce Spring 23 features are highlighted in my latest article over at the KeyNode Solutions blog.

In summary, we cover the following:

  • Analytics (Reports & Dashboards)
  • Sales Enhancements
  • Process Builder (retirement)
  • In-App Guidance Gets More Granular
  • Calendar Improvements
  • Send Email Feature
  • Accessibility Improvements
  • Performance Improvements
  • Flow Data Table
  • BarcodeScanner Features

My favorite in Salesforce Spring 23

My favorite update in Spring 23 – the 2nd generation automation tool – Process Builder has now been retired in favor of the newer Flow Builder tool. Flow automations offer much better performance and many more features than Process Builder. This retirement is no surprise, Salesforce Admins have been advised well in advance of this retirement and have been upskilling with flow for some time.

Along with the retirement of process Builder is an improved migration tool to migrate automations into flow. Now the Process Builder automations that contain scheduled actions are now supported.

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