Salesforce Associate Certification

The Salesforce Associate Certification is the entry level certification for someone wanting to move beyond end user roles and into the ranks of a Salesforce Professional.

Who is the Salesforce Associate Course for?

Ideally, candidates should have some experience with using Salesforce as an end user. Salesforce recommends up to six months of experience. Having a foundation knowledge of how the Salesforce CRM operates and how to navigate around Salesforce will be helpful starting points. A basic understanding of reporting, administration, documenting business processes and foundational data management will also be beneficial.

About the Salesforce Associate Certification

The Salesforce Associate Certification is for candidates new to the Salesforce platform but with an interest in how the Salesforce platform helps solve business problems. This is a stepping stone to move from an end user role into a professional role as a Salesforce Administrator or to more advanced certifications.