CertifyCRM History

The Quick version…
The CertifyCRM History:
- On 24 May 2014, we started as DJMLab.com.
- July 2016, we became Salesforce.study
- March 2017 we moved to CertifyCRM.com
- At May 2023 we had over 12,300 students enrolled.
CertifyCRM History: The Full Story
CertifyCRM History: What started off as a way of preparing for my own certification journey, quickly turned into a useful resource for others preparing for their own Salesforce certification.
Starting back in 2014
In early 2014, I started a new role that grew into a Salesforce Administrator position.
I had no prior Salesforce knowledge but lots of IT experience. I needed to skill up in Salesforce quickly to perform the duties of this new role. There was no Trailhead to help me on this journey, that started shortly after.
I started searching for online materials that I could use to help me understand and learn how Salesforce worked. They were scarce and hard to find!
Having previously used a Learning Management System (Moodle) when I was teaching at TAFE in Victoria, Australia, I installed and configured a new server and used that to arrange all my newfound content. It was a great way to be able to categorize and arrange the content to help me in my study. This started on 24 May 2014 as DJMLab.com (DJM are my initials).

I continued adding more and more content and started writing my own practice exam questions. Eventually, I plucked up the courage to sit for the Salesforce Administrator exam and was successful the first time.
I realized that the content I had created was the key to my exam success and it seemed a shame to keep that to myself. As a teacher, I was always learning something new and sharing that with my students – as teachers, that’s what we do!
I put out a message on social media inviting others to create an account and also enjoy the content I had created. The users started coming and before long I had several hundred students. Quite a few of those early students have gone on to become Salesforce MVPs and have extremely successful careers.
Salesforce.study was born
In mid-2016, new domain names became available and one, in particular, caught our attention “.study”. On 18 July 2016, we changed our domain name to become Salesforce.study. Numbers continued to grow to over 1200 students.

We moved to CertifyCRM
In early 2017 our success spread and caught the attention of Salesforce who sent us a friendly but firm “cease and desist” order advising that salesforce.study was a breach of their trademark.
Faced with a David and Goliath battle that we had no hope of winning, on 15 March 2017 we moved to CertifyCRM.com. Student numbers had grown to over 3,300 by this time.

Since then…
The number of courses offered and the number of students has progressively grown since those early days, we had over 12,300 students in May 2023.

I hope you enjoy your learning journey